SlickText Help Center

Can I Upload Pre-Existing Contacts That I've Already Obtained?

Yes, however there has to be proof of written consent. As our service provides a federally regulated mass communications strategy, we closely follow privacy regulations to ensure all users' information is protected. Updated laws in 2013 changed the way "consent" is viewed, as prior existing relationship is no longer considered as grounds to mass text your list. Now, there are 3 ways proof of consent can be obtained compliantly to begin texting your contacts.

  1. Text to Join - Example: Text DEMO to 31996

  2. Web Widget Signup - Digital sign up forms which send a user a double opt in confirmation message to ensure the number submitted belongs to their mobile device.

  3. Compliant Sign Up Sheet - The signup sheet shows proof of consent and must be kept on file at all times during your campaign. To upload or add contacts manually, this must be presented to text marketing providers to show you have proper proof of consent. SlickText can help with creating your physical sign up sheet.


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